
What kind of sunflower oil to choose?


How to deal with the choice before the police in the store? There are many different sunflower oils, and each has its own purpose. The variety of amber or almost transparent, strong smell or with a light or pronounced aroma of fried oil solution makes you confused. Let's consider sunflower oil using the example of a product that was created with love by one of the best manufacturers of Ukraine and which is in demand also outside our country.

We as consumers need to get the most out of the product with minimal harm. At the same time, it is important to follow the purpose of the product and recommendations for its use. Cold-pressed oil has the highest concentration of vitamins and nutrients. It is obtained with a good environment at a low (up to 60 degrees) temperature and without purely mechanical filtration, gets rid of unwanted and not very useful and leaves a maximum of the truly useful substances laid down by nature. Such a product, taking into account the technology, will not be cheap, because the manufacturer receives only a small part of the oil from the drink. But this oil is perfect for preparing salads and cold dishes.

Sunflower oil "Zapashna" allows you to fill the dish with nostalgia. This is probably familiar to everyone from childhood: running out of the house, hungry, you enjoy a piece of black bread with salt and fragrant sunflower oil. An important advantage of "Zapashna" oil compared to oil made in household oil presses is its filtration and high production standards. But frying with it is still not tasty, since high temperature contributes to the destruction of vitamins and organic substances stored in this oil. The shelf life of such oil is one year.

But for frying and other heat treatment, it is better to use refined deodorized sunflower oil. Don't be scared by the long name with incomprehensible words from various processes. The highest degree of purification, consisting of such technological processes as freezing, bleaching and deodorization with saturated steam to almost full content of taste and smell. This makes such oil ideal for reduction and long-term heat treatment. Refined deodorized sunflower oil does not form smoke and carbon deposits, does not foam, and even with strong heating does not form harmful substances. The absence of impurities and natural properties ensures that this type of oil can be stored in sealed factory packaging for up to 2 years.

In summary, we can say that each type of sunflower oil occupies its own level, where it shows itself as best and manifests its properties. Use sunflower oil for its intended purpose and produce maximum productivity.

Be healthy!

Author: Logvinenko Maksym